San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance •  107 E. Hopkins St. Suite 121A; San Marcos, Texas 78666

Board Members

Jon Cradit, President

Jon Cradit, President

Jon Cradit, President

Jon Cradit was raised in Martindale, running up and down the river and swimming in it at every chance. He grew up knowing how important the river is and learned how fragile the natural system that supports it is. As a kid, he enjoyed camping with the local scout troop and eventually became a scoutmaster and a committee chair. A graduate of Southwest Texas State with a degree in environmental management, he worked several years for Texas environmental regulatory agencies and then moved to the Edwards Aquifer Authority, where he conducted karst studies and groundwater flow research from Uvalde to Kyle. Jon earned a state license as a Professional Geoscientist and a Registered Sanitarian. His main pastime is caving. He’s a member of the state caving organization and a Fellow of the national caving association. He has caved throughout the US and Mexico, enjoying the karst systems from the inside. He and his wife, Lisa, were early members of SMGA and SMRF. Jon has served as a director of SMRF and currently works as part of SMGA’s Trail Crew.



Olivia Palomares, Vice President

Olivia Palomares, Vice President

Olivia Palomares, Vice President

Olivia Palomares was born and raised in Paris, Texas. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the School of Healthcare Administration at Texas State University. She began her career in the nonprofit sector working with vulnerable groups, which helped her understand that effective marketing is an invaluable tool. Knowing how to get the resources you need thanks to effective communication is invaluable. Since working at nonprofits, Olivia has taken on various marketing roles at startups and enjoy the value that the role provides to emerging brands. In her free time, Olivia enjoys spending time on the trails or in the river in San Marcos.

Melani Howard, Secretary

Melani Howard, Secretary

Melani Howard, Secretary

Melani Howard recently retired as the Habitat Conservation Plan Manager for the City of San Marcos and Texas State University. She began working for the City and University in 1996 after completing her Master’s Degree in Aquatic Ecology at Texas State University in 1998. During her career, she implemented multiple federal, state, and local programs throughout the watershed to protect endangered species habitat in the San Marcos River. The programs ranged from removing aquatic and terrestrial invasive species to community litter cleanups and restoration of degraded watersheds. She has lived in San Marcos for over 30 years and has two children, one grandchild, two dogs, and several cats. Melani thoroughly enjoys the natural areas that were acquired by the city through various partnerships and started volunteering for trail crew duties as soon as she retired.

Kristina Tolman, Treasurer

Kristina Tolman, Treasurer

Kristina Tolman, Treasurer

Kristina Tolman moved from Austin to San Marcos in 2003 and has spent most of her professional career focused on San Marcos and the surrounding area. Growing up in Austin she developed a passion for nature while exploring its many green spaces. Upon Kristina’s moving to San Marcos, that passion expanded to water resources. She received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Applied Geography at Texas State University. Her professional career started in 2009 as an intern, then GIS specialist at the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment (MCWE) at Texas State University until 2016. Since 2016, she has worked at the Edwards Aquifer Authority as a Senior Habitat Conservation Coordinator for the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan. In her free time, Kristina enjoys hiking, biking, kayaking, gardening, and traveling.

Brandon Smith, Member

Brandon Smith, Member

Brandon Smith, Member

Brandon Smith has been a dedicated volunteer with Trail Crew for the past few years, gaining hands-on experience in building and maintaining single-track trails within the San Marcos Greenbelt. From scouting the River Recharge Natural Area to setting pins for the new Limestone Link NA, he has played a key role in shaping trails from the ground up, including the recently completed New Paraiso Trail. Passionate about preserving natural spaces, he believes in ensuring public access to high-quality outdoor environments.

A Hays County Master Naturalist since 2022, Brandon graduated from Texas State University in 2008. Born in Shreveport, Louisiana, and raised in Abilene, he instantly felt at home upon arriving in the Hill Country. A tattoo artist by trade, he co-owns Rise and Shine Tattoos in Kyle, TX, alongside his wife and business partner. Together, they are raising two children. An avid outdoorsman, Brandon enjoys fly fishing, native gardening, and backpacking. A first-time Texas Water Safari finisher, he’s always in pursuit of the next big adventure.

Kimberley Meitzen, Member

Kimberley Meitzen, Member

Kimberley Meitzen, Member

Kimberly Meitzen grew up in El Paso, Texas, where one of her favorite activities was trail running and hiking in the Franklin Mountains and Chihuahua Desert. This cultivated a lifetime appreciation of public access to natural areas. Kimberly received her B.S. in Geography at the University of Texas, Austin, an M.S. and Geography from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, and was Post-Doctoral Fellow with Duke University and the Nature Conservancy in North Carolina. She has lived in San Marcos since 2013 and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Texas State University (TXST). Kimberly teaches undergraduate courses on river processes, river basin management, environmental management, and biogeography, and graduate courses on water resources and river and society related issues. Kimberly participates in numerous professional and volunteer service activities and is currently the TXST representative for the Stakeholder Committee of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan, the public interest representative for the Guadalupe Regional Flood Planning Group, and co-lead of the Texas Aquatic Connectivity Team. She received the TXST Favorite Professor award in 2014 and 2019, the College of Liberal Arts Service Award in 2021, and a TXST Presidential Research Award in 2023.  Kimberly and her husband, Walt, have converted their home landscaping to almost all native plants and vegetable gardens, their house is solar-powered, and they have a 3,000-gallon rainwater harvesting system. When she is not working in her gardens or playing with her cats, she enjoys hiking, trail running, paddle boarding, and removing litter from the natural areas and the San Marcos River.

Madison Mitchell, Member

Madison Mitchell, Member

Madison Mitchell, Member

Madison Mitchell is a recent graduate of Texas State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Geography, Resource and Environmental Studies, and a minor in Sustainability Studies.

When Madison first moved to San Marcos in 2020, she quickly became enamored with the San Marcos River and wanted to spend as much time in it as possible. She was fascinated by the diverse plant and animal species and felt incredibly fortunate to have access to such a beautiful and priceless resource. As she progressed through her education, she learned more about the various efforts to protect the river and knew she wanted to be part of that mission.

Since 2022, Madison has worked at the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, where she supports the Texas Stream Team program. She became a certified community scientist and later a trainer, leading Texas Stream Team water quality trainings and monitoring the water quality at Spring Lake. She has also participated in river cleanups, invasive species removal events, and other volunteer efforts, allowing her to stay connected to the river while giving back to the environment she loves.

Over time, Madison’s passion for conservation and sustainability has only grown. She is dedicated to initiatives that protect natural resources and enjoys exploring the many beautiful trails, green spaces, and waterways that the city of San Marcos has to offer. She values SMGA’s role in connecting people with nature through volunteer opportunities and conservation efforts. And she supports the organization’s commitment to preserving natural spaces for the benefit of the community.

Aspen Navarro, Member

Aspen Navarro, Member

Aspen Navarro, Member

Born and raised in Central Texas, Aspen Navarro was pulled to the outdoors through sports at a young age and never looked back. Starting in 2012, San Marcos became her home away from home when she began her college career at Texas State University. Aspen has earned a B.S. in Geography Resource and Environmental Studies, an M.S. in Sustainability Studies, and certifications in Geographic Information Science, Water Resources Policy, and Environmental Interpretation, all from Texas State University. In her current position at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, she serves as the Watershed Services Community Science Manager, where she manages the Texas Stream Team and other community Science initiatives. In her spare time, Aspen enjoys spoiling her pup, hiking, food, and traveling.

Ben Peck, Member

Ben Peck, Member

Ben Peck, Member

Ben Peck has been instrumental in SMGA’s fundraising efforts over the past year, helping the Board coordinate events and partnerships that raise funds to further our mission. He used to build custom bikes, is an expert welder, and is an enthusiastic member of the trail crew. He works with the SMGA trail crew as much as he can and loves the opportunity to share his excitement and respect for the outdoors.

Mike Bira, Member

Mike Bira, Member

Mike Bira, Member

Michael R. Bira retired from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 in December 2020. Mike graduated from the University of Tampa with a BS degree in Marine Biology/Chemistry. He then earned his MS in Aquatic Biology/Limnology from Southwest Texas State University.

After college, Mike began his professional water career as an Aquatic Biologist/Field Investigator for the Texas Water Commission (now Texas Commission on Environmental Quality), performing inspections, sampling, and enforcement of domestic, municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastewater dischargers, investigating water quality complaints, and coordinating the Commission’s North Central Texas surface water monitoring program.

Mike’s tenure with USEPA as an Environmental Scientist started in 1988 at Region 6 in Dallas. As a Hazardous Waste Enforcement Coordinator, his duties included inspections of hazardous waste management facilities and coordination of Federal enforcement actions under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In 1990 Bira gladly moved to the Water Quality Protection Division to be the the Clean Lakes Program Manager, and over the years worked in various programs including the Nonpoint Source Program, water quality standards, nutrient criteria development, and water quality outreach/education.

As Volunteer Water Monitoring Coordinator for the region, Mike has been actively involved with citizen science programs and assisting states and communities with addressing water quality problems through education and application of the watershed protection approach. He has helped conceptualize and develop citizen water quality monitoring programs in all EPA Region 6 states (TX, OK, LA, NM, and AR).

In his role as NPS Program Manager, duties included NPS Program development and management at federal, state, and regional levels, and assistance with federal financial support through state grants for watershed protection/management programs and projects, including citizen science.

Upon retirement, Mike moved to San Marcos, TX with his amazing wife, Kristi. He immensely enjoys fishing, hunting, and shooting, and fishing some more. He has always needed to be near or in water. When he was very young, his Mom worried that he might grow gills. In his 30’s he finally realized he could never actually be a fish, so he took up hunting. He eats a lot better now.

Austin Bodin, Member

Austin Bodin, Member

Austin Bodin, Member

Austin, born and raised in Oklahoma, moved to central Texas in 2005 and earned both a B.S. in Geography and a Master of Applied Geography (M.A.Geo.) from Texas State University. After beginning his career as a GIS Analyst in the oil industry across Texas, Colorado, and Oklahoma, he returned to San Marcos in 2015 and took on roles with the City of Austin’s Transportation Department and Watershed Protection. In 2018, he joined the City of San Marcos as a GIS Analyst and later became the GIS Administrator. In 2021, Austin transitioned back to the private sector, where he currently works as a software developer. Alongside his role on the SMGA board, he served on the Edwards Aquifer Authority board from 2020 to 2023 and is an active member of the San Marcos River Foundation and the Texas Rivers Protection Association. An avid outdoor enthusiast, Austin enjoys racing canoes, mountain biking, and trail running in the local greenspaces.

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