GEAA Annual Memership Renewal Time
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It is time to renew membership with the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance, and this year the Steve and Marty Hixon Family Foundation has pledged to match any contribution of $200 or more with your renewal for the following reasons:
1. We have children and grandchildren who are dependent on the Edwards Aquifer.
2. The population of Texas is projected to increase by 185% by 2050 bringing with it increased water demands and destruction of the environment critical to replenishment of the Edwards Aquifer.
3. Our climate is changing, regardless of why, and will impact ground water as well as the water replenishing the Edwards Aquifer.
4. This organization, more than any other, is protecting our future quality of life. Without water, all other causes are irrelevant.
5. Protecting our water source is the moral thing to do.
If these reasons resonate with you, please renew your membership at http://www.aquiferalliance.org/