River Recharge Kiosk: It Takes a Village
Next time you visit River Recharge Natural Area, you’ll notice an information kiosk going up at the entrance.
Although construction on the project has just begun, this kiosk has actually been in the works for more than a year. The concept was decided on by a committee of SMGA members, with Jon Cradit drafting the final plan. One wall of the walk-through kiosk will feature a triptych designed by Ian Long, who also created the information sign at the dam in Lower Purgatory.
The center panel will consist of an artistic interpretation by SMGA member Norman Bean, illustrating the karst features and recharge function of the property. Panels on either side will explain the way rainwater percolates through the soil and rock, replenishing the aquifer and re-emerging through springs, including those that feed the San Marcos River, and wells, from which many of us get our drinking water. The panels will also list threats to the aquifer, such as pet waste, fertilizer, chemicals, and motor oil leaks. The other side of the kiosk will include such practical materials as maps.