San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance •  107 E. Hopkins St. Suite 121A; San Marcos, Texas 78666

The Loop


SMGA News: August-Septemeber 2024

JUST IN! Naturescapes Award

Jennifer Bauerkemper was the winner of this year’s SMGA Naturescapes Award for her photo of a painted bunting. She is pictured here with SMGA President Jon Cradit and Naturescapes organizer Art Arizpe.


Photos are by Emily Mullan (EM), Susan Hanson (SH), and Lance Jones (LJ)

(l to r) Snakefest organizer Niki Lake talking with guests; wearing snakes seemed perfectly normal at the event; SMGA members Matt Lewis, Ben Peck, and Lauren Chappell (LJ)

(l to r) Great Springs table (LJ), Emily Mullan and Mike Bira at the SMGA table (SH), Mike visiting with guests (EM)

(clockwise from top: copperhead, albino king snake, cottonmouth, rattlesnake, Texas rat snake (EM)

(clockwise from top) albino rattlesnake coiled, speckled king snake, clowns entertaining kids, welcome to Snakefest, coachwhip (EM)


On Sept. 8, the monthly bird walks led by Stephen Ramirez celebrated 13 years of birding around San Marcos. The most recent walk was held at one of the best sites in town—Spring Lake and the Meadows Center. The 31 participants saw 28 different species of birds. A few migratory birds like the Baltimore oriole were seen high in the treetops. For a full list of the birds seen, click on the link below. (Lance Jones)


Our natural areas are seeing an uptick in vandalism and graffiti. This pulls from our city’s and SMGA’s resources as we scramble to keep up with regular trail maintenance and building.

If you run across problems in our natural areas, you can use the city’s reporting site (Go to PARK in the dropbox) so it can be addressed…


Aug. 4
Saturday’s crew worked the Willow Creek trail. Approximately 11 people worked on hauling crushed limestone to the trail and continued work on steps leading from the street to the trail. This provides access to the neighborhood in getting to Miller Junior High. (Photos courtesy of Emmanuel Hernandez)

Aug. 9

Work continued on the 0.2- mile Willow Creek trail. The crew was afraid they might not finish in time for the start of
school, as the steps being built required careful creation to ensure proper sizing.

The trail was also being lined with crushed stone. And the mosquitos were horrendous! Another 5-10 trail crew hit the trails with string-trimmers in Purgatory Creek.


The SMGA crew was in full swing on Thursday in Miller Middle School’s neighborhood. The trail is shaping up nicely and will provide a scenic hike for students. Signposts, tamped gravel path, and reinforced steps were on our to-do list.

Sept. 12

Maintenance was the order of the day as the crew spread out in the Spring Lake natural area. A lot of string-trimming, lopping, and some sawing. Part of the crew worked on rock cages and trail posts to guide hikers in the natural area. Saturday’s crew is headed that way to continue with the work.

Sept. 19

The trail crew worked at Limestone Link, county property that will connect Ringtail with River Recharge.

Sept. 26

Work on Root Rock Trail

Thanks to all who posted photos and text to our Facebook page, especially Lance Jones and Monique Tschurr.

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