Bobcat Build at Blanco Shoals Natural Area
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Ben Taylor leads the group to work |
Over 40 Texas State University students gathered at the Blanco Shoals Natural Area on March 28th for a Bobcat Build Project. The students were members of the Environmental Conservation
Student group photo under the pecans at Blanco Shoals |
Organization (ECO), Phi Sigma Alpha and the Texas State Athletic Trainers Association. Ben Taylor, a member of the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, led the project. The volunteers trimmed trees along a future hiking trail, picked up approximately 50 lbs. of trash and 30 lbs. of recyclables, and removed bastard cabbage. After their hard work they relaxed and enjoyed a pizza lunch. Ben invited the participants to future workdays at the site when the trails will be developed in this beautiful natural area along the Blanco River.
Story & photos JEK