San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance •  107 E. Hopkins St. Suite 121A; San Marcos, Texas 78666

The Loop


Hikes and More For Your Calendar – October (Lots Going On!)

SMGA Events
October 8, 7PM: Harvest Moon FUNdRaiser
Mark your calendars for a night of festivities under the Learning Tree in the Prospect Park – Purgatory Creek Natural Area. There will be a guided hike, live music, raffle, kids activities, T-shirts for sale and more. Come out and support the good work of SMGA! Click here to read about this event.
October 15, 9-11:30AM: Trail Building @ Purgatory Creek Natural Area
We have had many requests for Saturday workdays from those who cannot work on a weekday. We have scheduled two workdays, October 15 and November 5. On 10/15, the work will depend on how many people show up, but will be either completing a new trail from Dante’s trail to the Grotto, or placing signs with trail names and distances on them. In either case there will be digging and some hard work.
Wear closed-toed shoes and long sleeved shirts and jeans or other strong pants. Bring some water. SMGA will provide tools. An elegant PIZZA LUNCH will be served in the Upper Purgatory parking lot.
Meet at the parking lot at the Upper Purgatory entrance: From downtown San Marcos, take W. Hopkins St. past Bishop and Belvin Streets to Wonder World Drive and turn right (west) on Wonder World. At the intersection with Craddock Avenue, make a left onto a ranch road and watch for natural area signs guiding you to the parking area and trailhead. Hope to see you there!
October 22, 8AM: Purgatory Creek Hike
This hike will follow Purgatory Creek along a route that may become a future greenway connecting Purgatory Creek Natural Area to the San Marcos River. Hikers convene at Children’s Park, with hike culminating at the Hunter Road entrance to Purgatory Creek Natural Area (approximately 2 miles). Wear close-toed shoes, long pants, hat and sunscreen. Bring water. Please RSVP by e-mailing so we can set up ridesharing back to our starting point at Children’s Park.
November 5, 7:45AM: Guided Bird Walk with Stephen Ramirez
Prospect Park (Map). Meet at the trailhead on Prospect Street. By this time most sparrows should be present to give us practice at some harder to identify species. Read more about Stephen’s bird walks at Click “Blog” in the upper left corner of the page to read about the October walk attended by 12 people who helped Stephen identify over 30 birds at the SM Nature Center.
November 5, 9AM: General Clean Up and Trail Repair (location TBD)
November 13, 2PM: Hike with Mayor Guerrero at Ringtail Ridge Natural Area
Community Events
October 6, 7PM: Council of Neighborhood Associations City Council Debate
San Marcos Activity Center. This debate is open to the public with questions coming from the attendees. There will be a reception afterward sponsored by Grande Communications.
October 8, 9AM-Noon: River Clean Up
LOCATION CHANGE: The clean-up has been moved to the new recreation center near Lion’s Tube Rental in City Park. Volunteers can canoe, kayak or walk the banks of the San Marcos River collecting solid waste and recyclable materials. It is always best to wear long sleeves and long pants, plus socks and tie-on tennis shoes. No shorts, no flip flops. This will help you get into the weeds of the riverbanks to reach the trash without getting poison ivy. Includes breakfast tacos and lunch. Questions: Contact Heather Powdrill, KSMB Coordinator,, 512-393-8420 

October 11, 6:30PM: Advancing Social Justice in Health Promotion: Realizing the Potential of Parks and Open Space, Myron F. Floyd
Alkek Teaching Theater on the Texas State campus. The presentation will examine how the provision of parks and open space contribute to public health through opportunities for physical activity and psychological restoration. Emphasis will be given to exploring how expanded access to parks and open space can further social justice goals in health promotion. All are invited to the lecture. Dr. Floyd’s research examines built and natural environmental effects on physical activity and health. He specializes in understanding racial/ethnic disparities in access to parks and open space. Learn more at
October 10, 6PM: Science Café – Texas Drought
Wake the Dead Coffee House, 1432 Ranch Road 12. Science Cafés are free events for anyone with a general interest in science to meet and discuss current topics with a scientist and members of the community. On 10/10, certified professional hydrologist and retired USGS hydrologist Raymond Slade will join us to discuss “Texas Drought: What is it?” Café contact:
October 15, 10AM-7PM: Dream San Marcos and Art & Eco Fest
On the Square in Downtown San Marcos. The event will consist of art and eco vendors from around the Central Texas Area, food vendors, onstage performances and a concert. The Art and Eco Fest’s goal is to display the city’s unique beauty and artistic quality while promoting the focus areas of Keep San Marcos Beautiful.
October 17, 6PM: League of Women Voters City Council Candidate Debate
San Marcos Activity Center. Voter’s Guides will be in the San Marcos Daily Record on Oct. 23.
October 26-November 3: TOWN Oaxaca Multi-Sport Adventure for Women
Oaxaca Multi-Sport Adventure for women combines conservation, culture, and adventure in a relaxed, non-competitive and supportive atmosphere. Read more at
February 22-24: Statewide Land Conservation Conference
Each year, the Texas Land Trust Council hosts the premier land conservation conference in Texas. The Statewide Land Conservation Conference offers three days of concentrated training and education on a wide range of topics relevant to the Texas conservation community, as well as fabulous opportunities for collaboration and networking. Registration info at!

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