Your Vote Needed: Dreaming of a Greener World
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SMGA’s board supports this addition to the Dream San Marcos site and hopes you will too:
Build a Greenbelt Around San Marcos
Use hike and bike trails along creekways to connect parks, natural areas, and neighborhoods, while at the same time protecting our water quality – a greenbelt around San Marcos.
Our goal is to float this dream to the top of the list, and you can help. Just click here by 10/15, log in, and vote for Build a Greenbelt Around San Marcos. Then, look around and see what other ideas you support.
Dream San Marcos’ public input will inform the development of an update to the Horizons Master Plan by letting city staff and officials know what’s important to our community. There will be many more opportunities to share your vision of San Marcos, including the Art & Eco Fest on October 15 (stop by the SMGA booth while you’re there). SMGA will continue to follow this comprehensive master planing process, but we need you to use your voice (or computer) by October 15 and help the vision of a Greenbelt Around San Marcos float to the top of Dream San Marcos.