Purgatory Update – Expansion, Nature Center, and Hike

Expansion of Purgatory
The acquisition of additional acres to Purgatory Creek Natural Area (PCNA) has been a challenging project. We are happy to report that there is light at the end of the tunnel. At this time the Trust for Public Land continues to work on the acquisition of the 289 acres to take place in two phases – the first 106 acres could be conveyed to the city by the end of January 2012. The second phase depends on funding by US Fish & Wildlife Service Habitat Conservation Plan funds in the next cycle (2012). The project is well positioned for eligibility and funding, and a match has been secured.
As some of you may remember, at one point this project included the acquisition of enough acres to put the total acreage at Purgatory Creek Natural Area at over 1,000. This is still possible, although it may take some time. The Trust for Public Land continues to work with landowners and funders to conserve additional property contiguous to the existing Purgatory Creek Natural Area. We look forward to continuing our partnership with TPL and appreciate the work that they are doing to conserve these sensitive areas in San Marcos for conservation and recreation.
Nature Center
Last night the City Council directed Parks and Recreation staff to focus on the items in the original application for Hays County Parks Bond funding of trails, roads, kiosks, restrooms, directional and educational signage, and hopefully water. The nature center facility at PCNA has been delayed due to a lack of wastewater infrastructure. SMGA is working with Parks and Recreation to ensure that the best services are provided for with these funds to improve the experience of park users in Purgatory Creek Natural Area.
Hike Along Purgatory Creek – This Saturday, October 22nd at 8 am
This hike will follow Purgatory Creek along a route that may become a future greenway connecting Purgatory Creek Natural Area to the San Marcos River. Hikers convene at Children’s Park, with hike culminating at the Hunter Road entrance to Purgatory Creek Natural Area (approximately 2 miles). Wear close-toed shoes, long pants, hat and sunscreen. Bring water. Please RSVP by e-mailing [email protected] so we can set up ridesharing back to our starting point at Children’s Park.