San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance •  107 E. Hopkins St. Suite 121A; San Marcos, Texas 78666

The Loop


San Marcos Comp Plan Committees Seek Public Input

Open House Wednesday, January 23, from 3-7 pm at the San Marcos Activity Center.
This is a come-and-go event.

“We have had great participation from the community throughout this process,” said Bill Taylor, Chair of the Steering Committee. “As we near completion of the plan, this open house provides an opportunity to review the preferred scenario map, as well as the vision, goals and objectives for the plan.”

The open house will be a come-and-go event with displays of the preferred scenario map, as well as the vision, goals and objectives. Committee members and City staff will be available to answer questions and receive residents’ suggestions. The Comp Plan process began by developing a vision for the city’s future growth and development. Then goals were approved by City Council.

Now, the Citizen Advisory and Steering Committees are drafting objectives that will identify specific tasks that need to be accomplished to realize those goals. The Comprehensive Plan, now known as Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us, has been created, updated and scrutinized by the best experts – San Marcos citizens.

“The committees have been working long hours drafting objectives to achieve the vision and goals and to support the preferred scenario created by the public during the design rodeo,” said Jane Hughson, chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee. “We are looking forward to discussing them with the community and hearing their thoughts and ideas.”

The committees will get their chance to hear residents’ thoughts and ideas not only during the open House, but also when they visit with groups around town during the Speakers Bureau Presentations. For the complete calendar of events and other information regarding the Vision San Marcos plan and process, visit or email [email protected].

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