SMGA 2022 Board Candidates Announced
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The slate of candidates who have agreed to serve as members of the SMGA Board are Melani Howard, Aspen Navarro, Olivia Palomares, and Ben Peck. Members will have an opportunity to vote on this slate at SMGA’s annual meeting on Feb. 26 (RSVP here!). Information about each nominee follows.
2022 Board Candidates
Proposed Bylaw Changes
The Board of Directors requests approval at the annual meeting to amend the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance Bylaws as follows:
- Section IV and Article X, Section 10.4. Change the requirement for member “address, email and/or telephone numbers” to “contact information as requested.” This will provide flexibility for the Secretary or membership manager to make changes to the membership database without requesting additional Bylaws amendments.
- Section VI, Sections 6.4 and 6.5. Add language to clarify effective dates of Directors’ terms to the “first day of the month after election at the annual meeting” and for election by the Board to fill an unexpired term until the next annual meeting to “effective immediately.”
Other non-substantive changes to the Bylaws are clerical corrections.
Outgoing Board Members