SMGA News: December 2023

Hiking with Kids, Dec. 15
They weren’t sure who had more fun at Upper Purgatory, SMCISD Rodriguez Elementary students or SMGA volunteers Monique Tschurr and Brandon Smith! PE Instructor Tiffany Lopez and her 4th grade students joined Brandon and Monique for a busy hike on Dante, Styxx, and Minos to engage in some tree hugging, scat identifying , and plant and animal life cycling. Bright, inquisitive students who embraced those Good Trail Vibes!

Hiking with Kids, Part 2
In early December, Ms. Tiffany Lopez from SMCISD Rodriguez Elementary returned to Spring Lake Natural Area. Once again Ms. Lopez reached out to SMGA to help lead her 5th graders on our local trails in the outdoor classroom setting. Daniel, Lauren, and Monique had a great time letting students observe erosion, decomposition, various habitats, water recharge/aquifer, sun movement, and animal and plant life cycles— just to name a few things. Rodriguez teachers Ms. Daniel and Mr. Manzano joined in the lessons. The 5th graders were polite, in good physical shape, and engaged with a lot of high level thinking going on!

SMGA on the Air
If you missed Susan Hanson’s interview with Jo Korthols and Mark Taylor on Nov. 28, you can find it at the link below. Unfortunately, Susan had almost no voice when this was recorded, so the broadcaster, Rob Roark, had to step in to help.

Trail Crew at Work
On Dec. 2, SMGA’s Saturday Crew (led by Daniel Reinhuber) lopped, sawed and raked their way through pink flags to carve out the new trail. It was great weather and the impressively skilled crew members continued to make good progress on the much-anticipated trail.
From top left: James, Daniel, Hugo; Mike; Emily, James, Daniel, Hugo
Trail Crew, Part 2
A lovely Friday morning in late November doing some maintenance on Beatrice.
Collaborating with Service Learning

SMGA member Larry Hanson recently helped Colleen Myles’ Environmental Interpretation class, which installed a native plant garden at Roughhouse Brewery. Larry contributed a birdhouse and house for mason bees.