SMGA News: March 2024
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In Early March, Irene, Steve, Monique, and Daniel hiked into Spring Lake NA to replace some sign cages and posts. The day warmed up quickly, and many trail users were out enjoying the trails.

Vee and Melanie having fun outreaching to the Kissing Tree community on March 12

This group had lots of fun on March 14 stopping an erosion hazard at Prospect Park. They found flat rocks, placed them, and buried them with gravel. Fun, fun, fun.
Melani bringing in supplies Erecting the money tree Matt and Aspen going over how to check people out Olivia and Omar setting out auction items
Jengo and Marieta at the welcome tables
Assembling easels, harder than it looks Jon and Darlene Olivia at work Cameron bidding on an item Eric at work Yoga package from Body Shop Movement Studio Cindy, Kay, and Linda Martins’ table Doug fixing a plate Kids gotta play
Jon and Garry Merritt from the Great Springs Project Lance visiting with Sharon and Charlie Lauren making a sale Members bidding on auction items Morgan and Patrick Eagan
Mark deep in conversation Adam, Maggie, and Todd Jon with guest of honor, Erin Zweiner Jon and Susan Todd, Gordon, and Al
A great time for connecting with old friends and making new ones
Jon with Cameron, whose parents’ business won the Community Partner Award Scott and his Volunteer of the Year walking stick Jon and Matt congratulating award winner Norman Bean