SMRF: New Year’s Day Plunge
Next Friday on New Year’s Day, don’t miss the annual Plunge. Come EARLY to park nearby and walk over to Sewell Park, so we can all count down and plunge in together at NOON. The river is running rather well, so we’ll need some good strong swimmers to post themselves down near the bend in the river to help catch anybody floating by who misses the exit stairs. We could also use some folks to stand in front of the wild rice clumps, after they jump in, to guard them from anyone who might stray into those strands. We want to be sure to protect the rice from anyone who might accidentally walk on them. Most people jump into the current and float down so they miss the rice, but we want to be sure it is protected, since so many people attend. We’ll have hot chocolate and black eyed peas for good luck at this event as always, and I’ll check with the usual hotdog grillers, to see if they are coming too. Bring plenty towels and warm clothes and hats so you can stand around a visit a while after you get out of the river. The water is not cold, but the air can be, when you get out. Kids need to be with parents, life jackets for kids are best. – From SMRF