Texas State’s Master Plan and Spring Lake Preserve
SMGA is joining many fellow organizations in expressing our concerns with Texas State’s Master Plan. For a quick overview of the project, visit http://austin.ynn.com/content/top_stories/280968/golf-course-expansion-plans-spark-protest-in-san-marcos. Briefly, the university is proposing major alterations to the woods and the land behind the maintenance shed for golfing and golf buildings. This area serves as the entrance to Spring Lake Preserve.
While SMGA develops our particular discussion points, we would like to share those of the San Marcos River Foundation:
1. Golf is not part of the educational mission of the university, and they promised to protect this spring when they bought the land. This is not protecting it.
2. This is a world-class ecological and archeological site and not a place on which to build unnecessary facilities.
3. A sensitive area like this should not have such buildings on it to serve such a few users, it should be a place that serves the whole community and university, and the general public as well by being as natural and undisturbed as possible.
Or you may include your own concerns regarding the master plan.
SMGA will provide sample language in our upcoming newsletter. In the meantime, please mail your concerns to:
Chair of the Board of Regents, Mr. Charlie Amato
Texas University System
208 E. 10th, Suite 600
Austin, TX 78701
and feel free to contact us for additional information.
A few links and additional information