San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance •  107 E. Hopkins St. Suite 121A; San Marcos, Texas 78666

The Loop


Thank You to Parks & Recreation

Update from SMGA President, Maggie Hutchins:

I am happy to announce that the Parks & Recreation Department installed butterstick rocks to block auto access to Blanco Shoals greenspace. I checked to see if the rocks were working after a rainy weekend, and I’m happy to say that there was no evidence of ‘mudding.’

The Parks & Recreation crew also mowed the ADA accessible trail and entrances to the single-track trail at Ringtail Ridge in August, which assisted trail maintenance efforts in that park immensely. The SMGA trail crew and monitors especially are thrilled. It is wonderful to be able to walk the trail without being overwhelmed by overgrowth.

SMGA will continue to work with PARD to get more city maintenance on our trails. Both the rocks at Blanco Shoals and the mowing of the ADA trail at Ringtail Ridge has helped SMGA focus our energy on other aspects of the natural areas and create a safer environment and overall better experience for the park patrons.

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