Wanted: A Really Big Rock
SMGA is looking for a very large rock, approximately 8 ft x 3 ft x 2 ft, or a couple smaller ones, to block vehicle traffic at Blanco Shoals natural area. The City will arrange pickup and delivery. There has been increased vehicular activity in the park that’s causing damage. This beautiful natural area is an undeveloped riparian area containing high bank bluffs and shoals, tall cottonwoods and sycamores, gigantic pecans, and mesquite and anaqua trees that cling to the riverbanks. We’d like to protect this area and stop this vehicular activity before it gets worse.
If you have a spare 8 foot rock laying around, contact Melani Howard with Parks & Rec at mhoward@sanmarcostx.gov or 393-8400.
If you see suspicious behavior, do not approach. Contact the appropriate authorities. For emergencies or if you see suspicious behavior in progress, call 911. Other reference numbers include the park rangers office, 393-8427 and the police non-emergency line, 753-2108.
SMGA will continue to work with the city to stay aprised of the situation and protect this beautiful natural area. If you have any questions, email us at alliance@smgreenbelt.org.