SMGA News: March 2023
Trails Closed to Protect Rare Bird

The golden-cheeked warbler is an endangered species of bird that breeds only in Central Texas and nests in the Ashe juniper and oak found in some of our natural areas. In an effort to protect these rare birds, certain trails in Purgatory Creek Natural Area and Spring Lake Natural Area will be closed from March 1 to May 31, annually.
Trails closed in Spring Lake Natural Area: Porcupine, Roadrunner, and Grey Fox
Trails closed in Purgatory Creek Natural Area: Paraiso
Team Flora at Prospect Park on March 9
The team removed three Ashe juniper limbs split from the trunk following the recent freezing rain. They also removed a live oak limb that had the potential to be a head banger on Sinon (paint spray sealed the cut). A couple of weeks earlier in Prospect, several of the trail crew built access to Limbo Loop that wasn’t as steep and difficult. – submitted by Lance Jones
Charlie and Al at work on the broken limb Charlie and Al at work on the broken limb (left) Improved access to Limbo Loop, (right) Al using the pole saw

Prospect Park Bird Walk on March 4
Ah, Spring! The mulberries are leafing-out, the Mexican plum is flowering and 24 different species of birds were seen by the San Marcos birders. This included Field, Song and Lincoln’s Sparrows, a Spotted Towhee, and more species expected in open fields and woodlands.
The first Saturday bird walks are conducted by Stephen Ramirez in the different natural areas and city properties around San Marcos. To join the walks, email [email protected] for time and location, usually on Friday.
Thanks to Jennifer Bauerkemper for the wonderful bird photos! – submitted by Lance Jones

Invasive Removal in Prospect Park on February 25
It was the end of Invasive Species Awareness Week and Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), Texas State service groups and SMGA tackled the ligustrum, nandina and red-tipped photinia in Prospect Park Saturday morning. Four chain saws created a lot of work for those reducing the limbs and hauling to decompose on the contour lines and slow rainfall. Some of the invasives were treated with a herbicide, but the ligustrum was left for the deer to browse.
We’re starting to see good results and hope to seed some of the cleared areas with native wildflowers. – submitted by Lance Jones

February Bird Walk in City Park
This month’s bird walk took place at City Park and utilized the 10-foot-wide sidewalk. There were 25 of us walking to Purgatory Creek in the dense fog. So we birded by ear, led by experienced guide Colton Robbins.
We were able to see or hear 19 different species, including a yellow-bellied sapsucker, wrens, mockingbirds, a great egret fishing, and many more. The complete checklist can be found at
—submitted by Lance Jones
Photos by Jennifer Bauerkemper