SMGA Partners with TXST Geography class to produce Invasives/Natives Plant Pair Interpretive Videos
The students in the Fall 2020 rendition of Dr. Colleen Myles’ GEO 4322/5322 Interpretive Environmental Geography course are working hard to create a series of short interpretive videos focused on native/invasive “plant pairs” in a community-based project with the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance. The students are working in two groups, one focused on “species storytelling” and one on the technical side of the video production.

Left: King Ranch bluestem (photo by Susan Hanson); Right: Lindheimer’s muhly (photo by Terri Siegenthaler, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center)
The project was initiated by SMGA’s Susan Hanson, who also selected the “plant pairs” (Glossy Privet/Ligustrum-Yaupon; Chinaberry-Western Soapberry; Chinese Tallow-Flameleaf sumac; Nandina-Agarita; King Ranch Bluestem-Lindheimer’s Muhly) to be featured in the videos. Several members—Dick McBride, Lance Jones, Eric Weeks, Maggie Hutchins, and possibly others in the future—are collaborating with the students in this work.
The final products will be unveiled during a presentation on Wed, Dec 2 at 11:00 AM via Zoom. Please let Susan know if you would like to attend and she will arrange for you to receive the Zoom meeting information.
** Note: Susan thanks the SMGA members she contacted for help in selecting the “plant pairs.” Once the videos are complete, they will be available on SMGA’s YouTube channel, as well as other locations yet to be decided.
Written by Dr. Colleen Myles, Professor of Geography, Texas State University